
Hidden Seeds in Darkness (retreat)

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Wisdom Ways Center, 1890 Randolph Avenue , St. Paul, MN

For full details on this "Circle of Trust" retreat led by Paula Pedersen, Wint Boyd and Sara Thomsen, visit: https://www.wisdomwayscenter.org/events-calendar/winter "All that summer conceals, winter reveals" (from Annie Dillard; Excerpt from Winter). From nests in the trees to the softening of light, winter exposes that which was otherwise hidden in the abundance of summer. Might this be a season to explore wintertime and the lessons that emerge; barrenness, paradox, fear, dormancy, solitude, cold, shadows, darkness. As Barbara Brown Taylor explores in her book titled; "Learning to Walk in the Dark...No one had ever taught me to talk back to the dark or even to breath into it. The idea that it might be friendly was absurd."

This retreat combines the principles and practices of Circles of Trust and the power of music to help us understand and live into our lives. Developed by Parker Palmer and the Center for Courage & Renewal, The Circle of Trust® approach is distinguished by principles and practices intended to create a process of shared exploration where people can find safe space to nurture personal and professional integrity and the courage to act on it. In the hands of knowledgeable and skilled facilitators, this approach has the power to transform individuals, families, workplaces and communities.